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絞り染め神奈川沖浪裏#9 The great wave off Kanagawa

Updated: Oct 30, 2020

*written in English below



In the previous blog#8, the work of Tako-boushi shibori was explained in detail with valuable videos.

In #9 this time, the fabric that was tied with the boushi shibori technique is dyed in dark blue.


大変多くの染色回数 (8回以上) が必要となる今回の作品制作。生地を絞り、染め、解く、生地を絞り、染め、解くという作業を何度も繰り返し、一つの作品が完成します。



This work requires more than eight times dyeing. To complete this work, the process of tying, dyeing and untying the fabric, and then re-tying, dyeing and untying the fabric is repeated over and over again.

This dyeing is the 5th dyeing count.

It is the first time in the dyeing career of this dyeing craftsman for half a century to dye more than 8 times in one work production.


This time, the dark blue part of the wave part (the part surrounded by red) is dyed in dark blue.



In order to dye the fabric more beautifully, discharging is required before dyeing the fabric.



After making the dye, dyeing will start.



It is checked whether the fabric is dyed properly (especially the part where the colors are separated).



The fabric is dyed in the color shown in the color sample to complete.



A digest video from discharging work to dehydration work.

染め上がり写真 / After dyeing



Next time, in the great wave off Kanagawa #10, this dyed fabric will be untied and tied again to proceed to the next process.

※絞り染め神奈川沖浪裏 巨大几帳は京都絞りフェア2020 in 銀座(2020年11月27日~11月30日)で初公開予定です。

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