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絞り染め神奈川沖浪裏#2 The great wave off Kanagawa


*Also written in English


In the previous article #1, we introduced the process from drawing to tying the wave splash part. In this article, we will introduce the process before dyeing the part of the boat in yellow.



At the end of the process of tying the wave splash part, the next step is to tie the snow part of Mt. Fuji and the human part (white) on boats with Boushi shibori. Use cores made of wood or resin, or handmade cores made of paper, to prevent dye more firmly.

紙芯作り -making paper cores-



After the boushi shibori process, the entire fabric is dyed in a fairly light color (light blue than white). This light light color sets off the big wave part where hitta shibori was used to make kanoko dot pattern.



To dye only the ship part (yellow), one of the most advanced shibori techniques, , is used to resist the dye.


It is a big job that cannot be tolerated. The fabric is tied by a craftsman with more than 45 years of experience.


Listen to the sound of linen thread being pulled in the video. You can tell how strongly it is being pulled.




Think about how to tie the fabric,,, and think about it, but it takes a very long time to devise the shibori process before actually starting.

括り終わった6枚の大きな几帳生地 (1枚 約1mx3m)

The six pieces of large screen fabric (one piece approx. 1m x 3m) that have been tied.



Next, in #3, the part of the ship will be dyed yellow! Stay tuned!!


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