*written in English below
In the previous blog#13, all the tied part was untied and the whole work was checked. In #14 this time, the work of drawing fine parts and the outline of the pattern is done with a brush on the fabric that has been steamed.
The fabric is placed on top of the adhesive sheet and the cloth is fixed so that it does not move.
Fine pattern parts and outlines of the pattern are drawn with a brush.
Various types of small knives (e.g. A knife with two blades) are used to make patterns in the stencil paper, and a brush is used to stencil the pattern on the fabric.

Depending on the pattern, the color is not drawn up to the edge of the pattern, and the shibori texture is left by intentionally leaving a white frame.

When the drawing process is over, the final step is to make it into a huge screen.
Since the size of the work is too large, it is not possible to check all the fabrics side by side at the sewing craftsman home, so we arranged the fabrics in the space on the 3rd floor of the Kyoto Shibori Museum and had a meeting.

This work, which started around the spring of 2020, is nearing completion.
The shibori process is a separate division of labor. One work is completed through many process.
Thanks to the craftsmen's skills, efforts, and teamwork, we were able to ensure that the work was completed without any major mistakes.
By disseminating the creation process of this work through blogs in Japanese and English, we hope that the charm and potential of Kyoto's world class `SHIBORI` will be delivered to many people around the world.

At the beginning of the work creation, a photo when checking the first design on paper.
「巨大几帳 北斎 絞り染め神奈川沖浪裏」は、2021年2月2日より京都絞り工芸館にて初公開の予定でしたが、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大、各地での緊急事態宣言発令に伴い、初公開の時期を延期することにいたしました。
'Hokusai Shibori the great wave off Kanagawa' was scheduled to be exhibited at the Kyoto Shibori Museum from February 2, 2021, but due to the spread of the covid-19 infection and the declarer of a state of emergency in each city, we have decided to postpone the period.